septiembre 30, 2009

#6: Sports

Well, in the sport topic I have a little problem, because in this moment I not practice any sport. Anyway, in the past I practice Football and Baby-Football (in bigest and smalled places, in grass and in concret), volleyball, table tennis and tennis. I really enyoyed to practice the sports because is good for the health (“the air breathed” is better) and you could have healthy friends.

If we speak about pysical activities, we have a several problem, because more people look for the oriental practices, and they not really said where born the Tai-Chi or Yoga: There are spirituals things in the table, but they speak “Oh no, are you mad?” and they not listen about the Health in the Jesus name... Maybe not all the people recognize the divine power.

Definitely, should be erradicated the bad activities like to eat out of the health order. This topic is very important because Chile has a bad diet, and too we have more working days. In this line, the sports are really importants for the nation because actually the people is stressed and an average percentage have obesity (Rates of obesity in Chile increased drastically in the last 15 years). The candidats for the presidence should to speak about Sports politics (Public Health, Food and Nutrition).

Related with the typical chilean “sports”, they aren’t very promoted during the year. Well, I consider "rodeo a la chilena" a popular sport, but I not understand her sence... I don’t like the beaten cows.

1 comentario:

Grupo 13 dijo...

angel you wrote about an important topic: nutrition.
today there are many people, specially girls, who have healh problems like anoexia or bulimia, all for get a perfect body. the better form for get a healthy body is doing sport and having a balanced diet.

bye bye!