noviembre 11, 2009

Post # 10: Challenges in your discipline

Public Administration will be an important career to change many things in the country, and because this we need to be connected with other disciplines: Technology, Economic and Social Matters, Education, etcetera.

The technology challenge can be, in the short time, to teach responsibly about all the new technologies, specifically in the informatic area. The evidence about the deterioration to the child competence, with computers (or television too), it is clear and alarming.

In relation to Social Matter, the challenge must be in the people mind and heart, in other words, they must get the autonomic idea out of their heads and put on love, fidelity and truth. Maybe this phrase is “hippie”, but we need to bring to the arena these things and to make better this country.

In relation to the education, we need to professionalize the Public Administration, in other words, to give a professional character or status to this function and because it all the country must be favored. The mechanisms of public employment professionalisation constitute one of the most important dimensions in Chile and Latin America. But, in this kind, we need to change other things, like admission to university. Students can choose between 25 state universities and over 50 private ones, but the admission test maybe terrible: the PSU. There are poorer students, mostly coming from public schools, and more wealthy students, specially those coming from private schools, therefore, poorer students have much smaller chances to enter the most prestigious universities, which hold high entry scores.

To be employed at the administracíon is a challenge and, because of it, I study this career. I believe that I can manage to do many things for my country. I love very much this country and his citizens and I would like to see that they live in love and truth, which sustenance and a good education could deliver to his children.

All things are possible, if also this things are goods.

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